Trpanj - Peljesac logo Trpanj
CroatianTrpanj - Hrvatski

Trpanj - Peljesac

Peljesac home page
Trpanj home page
Trpanj - site map
Travel information:
How to get to Trpanj
Culture & history:
Trpanj history
Trpanj historical sights
Private accommodation - apartments and rooms
Hotels in Orebic - Peljesac
Last minute offer
Additional information:
B2B - travel and real estate services
Croatia holiday info links:
  • Croatia Airlines
  • Jadrolinija
  • Croatia Railroads
  • Croatia Automobile Association
    Panorama of Trpanj


    Trpanj is a sea resort situated in the North West side of Peljesac peninsula, in county of Dubrovnik - Croatia.
    Nice and relaxed atmosphere, little stony and sand beaches, beautiful crystal clear sea will make your holidays in Trpanj unforgettable.
    "... You can't be hurt by mean people. Hear!
    The sea and sky tell the same story
    The paradise must be somewhere near
    Neretva flows and says don't worry."
    This poem was written in August 1928. by Czech poet Jiri Mahen. He was leaving Trpanj and touched with its beauty he wrote this poem on the wall of the beach hut. All we can say is he would probably be inspired same way if he could come to Trpanj today.   Beach "Belecica" in Trpanj
    Family friendly sites
    Trpanj - Peljesac - Croatia holidays and information pages
    Dubrovnik temperature